10.11.2015 Café de Flore #art

The Flora Prize 2015

Café de Flore

The great festival of Flora is over, it only remains to wait patiently November 2016 to set the table. Best autumn appointment, expected as the messiah in the middle of literary awards, the Prix de Flore this year crowned Jean-Noël Orengo during the traditional Germanopratin bacchanal reserved for great minds.

“The flower of capital”, the title of the winning book, takes the reader to Pattaya, Thailand, the world capital of prostitution, through five monologues that intertwine in a breathtaking whirlwind to tell all forms of desire. A literary enterprise of almost 800 pages and very widely solicited by the members of the jury chaired by Frédéric Beigbeder.

Great job to Jean-Noël Orengo, who sees himself next to a cheque for 6100 euros and above all, an open year Pouilly-smoked in the most intellectual café of the city of light. Health!

Photos: Jean Picon

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