08.06.2022 Paris #art

“Childhood as a weapon”: DUTKO exhibits Jean Pierre Raynaud


Paris has a new art venue! The Dutko gallery historically located in the heart of Saint-Germain-des-Près, is taking up residence Quai Voltaire on the Seine. To celebrate this new chapter in the history of the gallery, Alexandra and Jean-Jacques Dutko invited Jean Pierre Raynaud to invest the place with a never before seen solo show: “Childhood as a weapon”. This work on various flags of the world, begun in 1988, and was rarely exhibited before. According to the artist himself, it now takes on ” quite a unique significance in light of the current situation” … Plastic ducks of many colors, red, green, yellow, pink, were placed on top of sixteen flags. Under the hand of Jean Pierre Raynaud, these highly symbolic banners become abstract compositions. The toys are meant to color the harsh reality these flags stand for, with a bit of childish innocence. The artist “seems to splash the solemnity of politics with pieces of childhood” and puts this weapon at the disposal of the visitor.  Welcomed by the father and daughter Dutko, and a glass of champagne in hand, we saw Mathias Kiss, Agnès Comar and Jean-Michel regain their childlike eyes.  A must-see, open to the public until July 24.

Photos : Thomas Smith

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