01.06.2023 Paris #art

The Xavier Eeckhout Gallery Highlights Female Artists with the Exhibition “Sculptrices”


Historically overlooked by the grand narratives of art history, female artists are gradually gaining their place at the forefront of the scene, obtaining their rightful recognition and becoming part of the discourse. In the spirit of contributing to this process, Xavier Eeckhout introduces his latest exhibition, which opened on Thursday 1 at his eponymous gallery located in the heart of Saint-Germain-des-Prés. Titled “Sculptrices”, the exhibition contributes to this rewriting of history by presenting a selection of works by female animal sculptors from the first half of the 20th century, thus introducing us to major works that had remained in the shadows until now. “Sculptrices” is the result of over four years of research, a project that is still ongoing, and which today presents us with pieces such as “Tête de Lamas” by Rouennaise sculptor and medallist Josette Hébert-Coëffin, “Lievre” by Eugénie Shonnard and “La jeune ramatoa” by Anna Quinquaud. During the opening night, we encountered Michael Cohen, Thierry Klifa, Thierry Fremond, Mélanie Griffon and Alexandre Giquello.

Text: Cristina López Caballer

Photos: Astrid Staes

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