Today it is difficult to realize so much it is part of the daily life of all women, but the panties was one day a real revolution. A revolution which celebrates in 2018 its hundredth birthday and which we owe to a man, Etienne Valton, son of the founder of Petit Bateau. In those first days of February with snow, the house celebrated with great pomp the centenary of its inescapable by inviting friends and aficionados to immerse themselves in its history – and imagine its future. Between carnival and birthday party, the evening at the Palais de Tokyo gathered a crowd of privileged people who had not let themselves be discouraged by the great cold. While the candles were blown on the panty-shaped cakes, we also discovered the seven models imagined by Internet users including Elsa Muse – who had launched the call for applications with a stop-motion video posted on Petit Bateau’s website. Between the balloons of balloons and the arcade games very “cheeky”, we meet the faces of Frédérique Bel (and her canine companion), Yasmine Eslami and Gaia Weiss, while sometimes, we are even offered panties under the coat…
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