Paul Smith celebrates the 25th anniversary of his first Parisian boutique
The name of Paul Smith immediately calls to mind a timeless style, a very British elegance, and a sense of proclaimed irreverence and humour. Having literally fell into fashion years ago, Sir Paul Smith is above all a passionate individual. Music, cycling and photography are as many inspirations that have fed his creative process for decades now. Undeniably British, he however presented his first collection in Paris years ago. In a time where punk was everywhere, Paul Smith committed to precise tailoring, an innate attention to detail and bright, happy colors. Today considered as one of the greatest designers of his generation, he celebrates in 2018 the 25th anniversary of his first Parisian boutique located on Boulevard Raspail. To celebrate the event, Paul Smith invited his Parisian friends (François Cluzet, Alysson Paradis, Antoine de Caunes, Michel Denisot or Inès Mélia) to share a good time in his shop. The cocktail party was followed by an intimate dinner at Le Cherche-Midi restaurant. Happy anniversary Paul Smith!
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