16.07.2013 11 rue Lavieuville, 75018 Paris #art

FAST presents Théo Gosselin at the Spree Gallery

On a beautiful July evening (Tuesday 16th, editor’s note), the Spree gallery founded by Bruno Hadjadj opened its doors to the magazine FAST, which exposes the clichés of Theo Gosselin composing the series named FAST WEST. Accustomed to the Californian sun, 100% earthen, the photographer cast off for this project and (we) board a trawler.

Travel amid the waves and spray to discover the sea, between seagulls and seagulls, the captain’s cap and the Breton coasts for only landmarks. Like a taste of iodine in the heart of the Abbesses, after a remarkable passage at the meetings in Arles.

Photos: Paul Blind


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