Meeting at the Villa with Alcova to Rethink the Future of Design
It is considered one of the most anticipated events of Design Week, attracting visitors from all over the world like no other occurrence devoted to the field. We are talking about Alcova, an international platform for contemporary design, which opened its doors on Sunday in the spectacular setting of two symbolic villas in the metropolitan area of Milan: Villa Bagatti Valsecchi and Villa Borsani. The event, now in its seventh edition, showcases over 70 exhibitors and a series of projects created by designers, galleries, companies, institutions, and schools on the theme of ‘dwelling.’ Alcova thus becomes a mega research laboratory where technological and sustainable materials and production processes, contemporary craftsmanship and experimental aesthetics, sociological, political, and global issues intertwine. On the occasion of the opening, the public literally flooded the two historic locations. Villa Borsani’s rooms and Villa Bagatti Valsecchi’s park were particularly crowded, transformed into a highly fertile creative territory where one could contemplate the future of design through installations, performances, and collective moments. Among the attendees at the inauguration of the event created in 2018 by Valentina Ciuffi, founder of Studio Vedèt, and Joseph Grima, head of Space Caviar, were numerous figures from the international design and cultural scene. Among others, Linde Freya Tangelder, Bethan Laura Wood, Berenice Curt, Ryuichi Kozeki, Don Cameron, Simona Rybáková, Kristian Snorre Andersen, and Sema Topaloglu.
Photos: Niccolò Campita