Tammy & Benjamin, a four-handed case
He was born in the North of France and landed in Paris to become an engineer before studying business. She came from Hong Kong where she studied communication before heading for Paris and ESMOD. Tammy Lo and Benjamin Pincemaille are not yet 30 years old and yet their young Tammy & Benjamin brand is getting off to a flying start by setting up its first shop at 33 rue de Poitou in the heart of the Marais. Driven by a desire to be entrepreneurial, the duo, who met by chance through friendly networks, launched themselves into leather goods in 2009 and took the time to grow up healthy before taking their first address. Within the walls of its new showcase unfolds the colorful and charming universe of this brand that is not cold to the eyes. Far from the clichés of a new franchouillard neo-artisanate, Tammy Benjamin’s %u201Cmade in Paris%u201D is less a partisan label of a geographical origin than a guarantee of quality and flexibility for this young company. Designed and manufactured in Paris then, but with this cosmopolitan identity that makes rhymer form and function, and unleashes the relationship between today’s girls and everlasting ladies’ bags.
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