06.09.2024 Paris #art

“Portraits”, A Dreamlike Group Exhibition at Galerie Negropontes

This autumn, Galerie Negropontes presents a surprising group exhibition on the theme of surrealism. “Portraits” is the result of a fantastic wander around the works of 12 artists, on a theme that has always fascinated the art world. Abstract paintings, ceramics, sculptures and even design objects, the circuit is a varied mix of techniques and textures that has no codes or rules. Each artist is free to bring their own vision of the portrait, each more or less symbolic or abstract. Often figurative, the works are all conducive to artistic and even philosophical reflection, as they are no longer representations of oneself or another, but rather of personal perspectives. At the opening, we met Sophie Negropontes, artists Benjamin Poulanges, Martine and Jacki Perrin, Ulrika Liljedahl, Agnès Baillon, Eric de Dormael, Jean-Christophe Malaval and many others.

Photos: Ayka Lux

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