christian berst art brut presents ‘Débordement #1: Les Révélateurs’
After celebrating its 15th (+1) anniversary in September, the christian berst art brut gallery invites the artists incubator POUSH (by Manifesto agency) to create new dialogues. At Christian Berst’s initiative, curators Anaël Pigeat and Yvannoé Kruger invited a selection of POUSH’s resident artists to engage in conversations with the artists represented by the gallery. Titled ‘Les Révélateurs / The Pathfinders’, the exhibition is the first of a new programming cycle, named ‘Débordements’, which aims to invite curators to invest the two spaces of the gallery, the main space and The Bridge, which objective is to build a bridge between outsider art and the contemporary art scene. The exhibition presented until January 16th unveils the dialogues of eight artists’ duos and can be discovered at 3-5 passage des Gravilliers 75003 Paris.
Photos : Sébastien d’Halloy