On SayWhat, we’ll admit it, we tend to often speak about slightly expensive two- or four-wheeled things… Probably the price of exclusivity. But to prove wrong those who think that we don’t take interest in small things, we took a look at the story of Alex Orchin and his microscopic P.50. After seeing an original P.50 on a childhood trip to the Beaulieu Motor Museum in Hampshire, UK, Alex Orchin became fixated on owning a P.50. A post-war, one-meter-long microcar powered by a modest 50cc engine. But his hopes were soon dashed when he discovered that the originals were selling for over £100,000. Four years ago, he got his chance when a second-hand one came up for sale at a bargain price. Since then, he has used it regularly on his daily commute around his village in East Sussex, UK. This year, Alex has decided to take on an ambitious challenge. He will drive the world’s smallest car on the longest journey in the UK: a 1,500 kilometer trip from John’O Groats, at the top of Scotland, to Lands End in Cornwall. Alex is making the journey to raise money for the BBC’s Children in Need charity. The P50’s are for sale online, priced at 10K and are to assemble yourself. And it’s the cutest thing ever.