25.01.2016 Fondation d'entreprise Ricard #art

Opening of the group exhibition “Fertile Lands”

Fondation d'entreprise Ricard

Until March 5 at the Fondation d’entreprise Ricard,”Fertile Lands” sketches a reflection on the freedom of artists, the ability to invent a terrain conducive to experimentation, open if there is one, to outside forces.

Placed under the auspices of the film’East Coast, West Coast’, in which Robert Smithson faces a sceptical New York gallery owner, the exhibition refers to the preconditions for thinking the unthinkable. The works presented reflect a thought in movement, oscillating between two poles of experience: seeing and doing.

With artists Lara Almarcegui, Rosa Barba, Sophie Bonne-Pourpet, Tacita Dean, Nicolas Floc’h, Cyprien Gaillard, Vincent Lamouroux, Seth Price, Samir Ramdani, Michael Riedel, Elodie Seguin, curated by Alexandra Fau.

Fertile Lands
January 26 to March 5, 2016
Fondation d’entreprise Ricard
12, rue Boissy d’Anglas – Paris VIIIe

Photos: Jean Picon


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