06.04.2022 Paris #design

PAD Paris returns for its 24th edition at the Tuileries


After two years of absence, PAD Paris continues its ascent and is now one of the great markers of the art and design market. The most beautiful galleries compete with ingenuity to offer a selection as fine as original to sophisticated Parisian public. The PAD is a unique opportunity to discuss with the major players of the market, to get insights from the best art experts and to acquire the totems of tomorrow. Beautiful, rich and now famous, this art and design stroll in the heart of Paris is a unique invitation to swim in an ocean of magnificent artefacts, surrounded by the industry insiders. During the inauguration night, one had a chance to cross and have lovely conversations with Didier Krzentowski, Etienne Chatillez, Jean-Michel Othoniel and Pierre Passebon.

Photos: Jean Picon

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