05.06.2024 Paris #literature

The Third Edition of the Paristory Literary Passion Prize at the Grand Hôtel du Palais Royal

June 5th saw the third edition of the Literary Passion Prize, whose name changed this year to the Paristory Passion Prize. The award is a celebration of passion, in every shape and form, through contemporary literature. Behind the creation of this distinction is Julie Marang, who selected five books from the September 2023 and January 2024 literary seasons, helped by Stanislas Rigot, librarian at the Lamartine bookshop, a famous Parisian institution.

The five novels in competition were: Eric Reinhardt, for “Sarah, Suzanne et l’écrivain” (ed. Gallimard) Camille de Peretti, for “L’Inconnue du portrait” (ed. Calmann-Lévy), Julia Maylie, for “La Louisiane” (ed. Stock), Leonor de Recondo, for “Le Grand feu” (ed. Grasset) and Valérie Paturaud, for “La cuisinière des Kennedy” (ed. Les Escales). This year’s winner is the talented Camille de Peretti. As the prizewinner, she will enjoy six nights at the Grand Powers Hotel or the Grand Hôtel du Palais Royal, and receive a unique objet d’art by the facetious ceramist Laetitia Rouget.

During this first summer evening party, we met Leila Kaddour, Constance Arnoult, l’Amiral Loïc Finaz, Jean-Christophe Laizeau, Pierre Vavasseur, Vincent Darré, Pierre François Le Louët, and Olivier Echaudemaison.

Photos: Astrid Staes

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