Created by Teddy Santis in Queens, New York, in 2014, Aimé Leon Dore skyrocketed over the past few years by multiplying collaborations. First in the field of fashion, then progressively with lifestyle brands. Last year, a first customization project with Porsche had already been much talked about. Exhibited in the Mulberry Street flagship in New York, the car was a representation of the designer’s various passions: basketball, music, the 90s, vintage, and a little bit of kitsch. Following this first experience, the label tackled a lesser known model, the vintage 911 SC, which has known a fleeting success in the early 80s. With this project, Aimé Leon Dore wanted to blur the lines. The designer imagined this car as a heritage from a vagabond grandfather collecting luggage and memories. This model – more a work of art – is full of hints to an era when we were more concerned about soul than how things looked. Here are the first images of the project soon to be released…
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