
Porsche 911 x T-Hybrid Technology: Embrace Progress

Every time the Porsche 911 makes a technological breakthrough, there is always a bunch of negative people with backward views complaining about it. But if this car has been the best sports car in history for 70 years, it’s precisely because it keeps getting better. Recently unveiled, the latest version features a lightweight T-Hybrid system mounted on the front axle that has not failed to upset reactionaries. And yet, the car is as desirable as ever and its performance is enhanced. It is available in two versions, 3.6L and 3.0L, along with an electric booster that you can turn on or off as needed. While we regret the disappearance of the manual gearbox and the key, we’re delighted to see that the original features, so dear to our hearts, have been retained.

Porsche 911 x T-Hybrid Technology: Embrace Progress

Every time the Porsche 911 makes a technological breakthrough, there is always a bunch of negative people with backward views complaining about it. But if this car has been the best sports car in history for 70 years, it’s precisely because it keeps getting better. Recently unveiled, the latest version features a lightweight T-Hybrid system mounted on the front axle that has not failed to upset reactionaries. And yet, the car is as desirable as ever and its performance is enhanced. It is available in two versions, 3.6L and 3.0L, along with an electric booster that you can turn on or off as needed. While we regret the disappearance of the manual gearbox and the key, we’re delighted to see that the original features, so dear to our hearts, have been retained.