The seeds of this story were planted 45 years ago, when René Morin took over Chaumet’s artistic direction in 1977. In spite of its rather deep-rooted naturalistic approach, the Maison was looking for a new and less evanescent source of inspiration. In the sights of Morin, that was a symbol of a rapprochement. The imprint of love, of a linkage between two people, two hearts, two souls. He was just looking at a cross-stitch, which was just there, holding two fabrics together…his eyes light up. What if that was to become the Chaumet link? 45 years later, the answer is clear. Uninterrupted since its conception this collection has grown into one of the icons of the Maison. Turned into a highly successful medal last year, this quintessential piece is now being revisited with a sharper edge that we found quite pleasing…
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