
Burberry x Jeju Island : Mirror in the Land

Burberry just erected a mountain on Jeju Island, South Korea. Or rather, a pyramid of sorts. But rest assured, this is not just a grand architectural gesture, this new mirrored building is a celebration of the surrounding nature. Home to a boutique and a restaurant, this monumental masterpiece is also an exhibition space dedicated to large-scale installations. Today, it shows the pro-environmental films of artists Maotik, Cao Yuxi and Lia Jiayu, and further implicates fashion in the issue of protecting the Earth. Often criticized for its deplorable carbon footprint, the fashion industry is now thinking of ways to reconcile its commercial expectations with the need for change.

Burberry x Jeju Island : Mirror in the Land

Burberry just erected a mountain on Jeju Island, South Korea. Or rather, a pyramid of sorts. But rest assured, this is not just a grand architectural gesture, this new mirrored building is a celebration of the surrounding nature. Home to a boutique and a restaurant, this monumental masterpiece is also an exhibition space dedicated to large-scale installations. Today, it shows the pro-environmental films of artists Maotik, Cao Yuxi and Lia Jiayu, and further implicates fashion in the issue of protecting the Earth. Often criticized for its deplorable carbon footprint, the fashion industry is now thinking of ways to reconcile its commercial expectations with the need for change.