17.05.2024 Venice #luxury

Valentina Saluzzi

We showcase the value and beauty of brands through unique moments

«We believe in an immersive narrative that reveals the company’s story through magical atmospheres»

Capturing the essence of a brand, interpreting it, and then creating a strong connection with the audience. These are the three pillars of creativity at Balich Wonder Studio, a prestigious Italian live entertainment company that has been exporting emotions worldwide for 10 years through the creation and production of events for brands, as well as institutional ceremonies and immersive cultural experiences. Valentina Saluzzi, a Partner of the Group, is one of the pillars of this enterprise. An entrepreneur, she co-founded Feelrouge Worldwide Shows with Carolina Dotti in 2016. This successful project and team became part of Balich Wonder Studio in 2021, developing highly emotional creative concepts for luxury and lifestyle brands.One of the most recent events organized by the studio was for Buccellati in Venice, held at Oficine 800 on the Giudecca Canal. The occasion was the exhibition ‘The Prince of Goldsmiths, Rediscovering the Classics,’ a magical retrospective to rediscover the heritage, history, and craftsmanship of the high jewelry maison. We meet Valentina Saluzzi after the Venetian event.

What is your creative approach to a luxury project like Buccellati’s

Valentina Saluzzi :

«Everything starts with a maieutic journey with the brand to establish its goal and the desired audience to engage, and thus to conceive the most fitting experience to design together. This is followed by an in-depth dialogue where we study its history, aesthetics, and vision. Only at the end of this process do we create a concept, a true emotional storytelling that guides the design of an experience capable of communicating the brand’s value, beauty, and message»

How do events involving major lifestyle and beauty brands differ from those related to brands in other sectors?

Valentina Saluzzi :

«The former create an aspirational universe around their products, which constantly needs to be nourished with meaningful experiences for their target audience. It is within this demand that a reality like ours fits in. We transform the brand’s beauty into emotion and wonder for its customers»

The visionary Buccellati project in Venice generated emotions and wonder. What characteristics must a successful event have?

Valentina Saluzzi :

«We believe in immersive experiences and in telling the company’s story by showcasing its inspirations, history, and creations through unexpected images, music, and technologies. All of this should occur within a journey where the spectator feels like the protagonist and is amazed by different points of view in order to delve into the brand’s complexity and understand its final, simple, and direct message. The experience should conclude by leaving emotions that perfectly represent the brand, transforming everything into something memorable»

How has the event world changed after Covid

Valentina Saluzzi :

«Companies have recognized the public’s need to experience real and emotional moments of gathering, capable of creating added value beyond the mere purchase of the product. Major brands are therefore transforming into true experiential places. Additionally, there has been an increased tendency for brands to associate with various forms of art: visual arts, dance, cinema, music, design. Not only with the classic involvement of brand ambassadors, but with an active role, as co-creators of content. Some might call it cultural appropriation, and in part, that might be true, but I also see it as a great opportunity to generate culture»

In 2023, Balich Wonder Studio celebrated ten years of activity. A summary of this decade?

Valentina Saluzzi :

«Very positive. We celebrate ten years of emotions. We have created a recognized entity in the live entertainment sector, strong, solid, and capable of bringing wonder worldwide. I hope that Balich Wonder Studio can maintain its aptitude for change over time. Becoming something different from what it is—while maintaining its essence—is the trait that allows it to stay in touch with its time. Nostalgia is not for us. In another ten years, I hope to find a completely different reality, capable of inspiring through new languages, technologies, and experiences. Change is life»

The same year, the majority shares of Balich Wonder Studio was acquired by the media giant Banijay. How do you see the future?

Valentina Saluzzi :

«I look to the future with enthusiasm, thinking of the exciting new experiences that await us. I believe the new synergies will bring great benefits and allow us to further consolidate our role on the international live entertainment scene»

What advice would you give to a young person who wants to pursue your career?

Valentina Saluzzi :

«Be curious, proactive, and start working immediately, even during university years. Develop the ability to be with others, relate, understand, listen, and work in a team. And, of course, speak at least three languages»

What was your dream job at age 12?

Valentina Saluzzi :

«A psychologist. Then it turned out differently, although in this job there is no shortage of team-therapy sessions…»

Interview: Germano D’Acquisto

Photos: Jean Picon e Michaël Huard

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