04.03.2013 Maison Darré #fashion

Yazbukey presents “Murder She Wrote”

Once upon a time there was an enigmatic world where eccentric creatures, straight out of the “Mystery of the Yellow Room”, recognizable by the harmony of their songs and the strangeness of their gestures, lived on murder and fresh champagne. Last night, all eyes were focused on this strange and plastic performance, in the image of their queen, Yaz Bukey, who presented her new collection “Murder She Wrote” at the Darré House. The osmosis between place and characters transported the gang to Mama Yaz in a novel by Agatha Christie where Poison Yvette, a Machiavellian maid, committed the murder of Klepto Mama, the diva… clepto. A cluedo arty of the 80’s where everyone would be victim, detective, assassin… or all three at once. And in this Plexiglas game, people are happy. Murder she really wrote?

Photos: Jean Picon


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