The opening of the exhibition “Er Xi” by Ai WeiWei
XXL event at Bon Marché, last night, which presented the flying installations of the Chinese contemporary art superstar, Ai Weiwei. The ultra-connected plastic artist and BFF from Paris Hilton is investing until February 20 in the most chic of Parisian department stores.
By calling his exhibition”Er Xi”, in other words”air de jeux”, the artist returns to childhood and makes Bon Marché his playground. It was inspired by a set of epic tales and popular legends imagined in ancient China and told to children for over 2000 years. Hair and feathers, faces and legs unite maliciously to create a parallel world, forming about thirty characters using the ancestral technique of kites.
The aerial work is thus declined in three parts of the institution: the windows of the rue de Sèvres, suspended under the glass roof and in the exhibition space. A bold choice by Bon Marché, which reminds us of its openness to the world and to contemporary art.
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