21.02.2024 N21, Milan #fashion

Transgressive 80s-Inspired Bon Ton by N°21

Entitled Anarchic Glamour, N°21’s Fall-Winter collection offers a sexy bon ton feel with an asserted Eighties inspiration. In the words of creative director Alessandro Dell’Acqua, “It’s as if I had cast my gaze deeply into a fashion story that while making come alive again, visually re-emerge, I did so imbuing it full of flashes of a new light. I ended up with a vision of nihilist eroticism that needs not ask for any authorization to express itself and that intrinsically entails a touch of anarchy which begets a feeling of freedom.” The synthesis of this stylistic choice is a black cloth suit, raw cut and embroidered with crystals and jails. All the garments in the collection are constructed through new cuts and proportions. The skirts and the dresses, characterized by open panels, are to be worn over petticoats or even in a nude look version. The masculine-cut bouclé wool coats rest on crêpe de Chine shirts and sequined skirts with applied flowers. It is also worth mentioning the surprise effect of the leopard faux fur coats. In the crowded parterre were present Levante, Natalia Paragoni, Nagomi, Paolo Stella and many others.

Text: Giuliano Deidda

Photos: Alessio Ammannati

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