05.12.2013 Roger VIver - Rue du faubourg St Honoré #media

The Ben & Bertie Cocktail Show by Paris Première

Roger VIver - Rue du faubourg St Honoré

The Ben and Bertie show – aka Benoit Forgeard and Bertrand Burgalat – makes its comeback (for the 3rd time) on December 31st on Paris Première. And to celebrate the good news, it is at Roger Vivier that the festivities took place. The satirical comedy show, carried by a pointed soundtrack, will most certainly be the ideal remedy against winter depression. A remedy called’The man in the leather shirt’.

Bertrand Burgalat’s interview here: http://www.saywho.fr/intimes/183/bertrand-burgalat-est-l-homme-a-la-chemise-de-cuir/

Photos: Jean Picon

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