Salone del Libro in Turin : most visited of all times
Now there’ s an event that gets all the bookworms on the same page. The Salone Internazionale del Libro in Turin appeals to all readers, whether they enjoy philosophical essays, are fond of science fiction, devour biographies or prefer romance novels. No wonder, then, that one encounters there some of the most influential personalities of the literary scene. Among the headliners of this edition were successful Belgian author Amélie Nothomb – who came to present “Primo Sangue”, a powerful personal story – and Marcell Jacobs – Italian sprinter and Olympic 100 m champion – for his autobiography “Flash – La mia storia”. Other major guests at the Salone were authors Alessandro Cattelan, Roberto Saviano, Chadia Rodriguez, Zerocalcare and Maccio Capatonda, all of whom presented their books. The Salone, a large-scale event, has, according to its director Nicola Lagioia, beaten this year its personal record of attendance. This 2022 edition was “the most visited of all times” A news welcomed with emotion by all those who thought literature was dead, and its geniuses with it.
Photos : Andrea Marcantonio
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