08.11.2023 Paris #literature

The Prix de Flore 2023 Goes to Maria Pourchet for her Novel “Western”

This year’s Prix de Flore has been awarded to Maria Pourchet for her book “Western” (published by Stock). After deliberation, the jury met at the Café de Flore in Paris to announce the name of the winner, who is also the author of “Rome en un jour” (2013), “Toutes les femmes sauf une” (2018) and the highly acclaimed “Feu” (2021). Also in the running were Eva Ionesco, author of “La Bague au doigt”, who received five votes, and François Bégaudeau, who received one vote for the book “L’Amour”. Manuel Carcassonne, jury member and CEO of Stock Editions, Maria Pourchet’s publisher, did not take part in the vote. “Western” tells the story of an actor promised a role as Don Juan, who abandons the role and goes off the radar to escape a sexual predation scandal in the post-MeToo era.

Founded in 1994 by Carole Chrétiennot and Frédéric Beigbeder, the Prix de Flore rewards a promising young author every year. The winner receives a check and the right to a glass of Pouilly-fumé in a glass engraved with their name for one year. The Prix de Flore, sponsored by Françoise Sagan in its inaugural year, has been awarded to authors such as Michel Houellebecq, Guillaume Dustan, Christine Angot, and Aurélien Bellanger. The Jury is historically composed of Frédéric Beigbeder, Jacques Braunstein, Manuel Carcassonne, Carole Chrétiennot, Michèle Fitoussi, François Reynaert, Jean-Pierre Saccani, Bertrand de Saint-Vincent, Christophe Tison, Philippe Vandel, and Arnaud Viviant.

On the music front, Ludovic Louis and Keziah Jones provided an electrifying atmosphere, just as Yarol Poupaud did last year.

Photos: Jean Picon


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