09.10.2012 Mk2 Bibliothèque #cinema

Preview The Snorks : A concert for creatures

Last night, Loris Gréaud immersed us in the world of “Snorks” – the living beings of the half-monstrous half-biolumiscent abysses that populate the depths of our oceans – during the preview of his film “Snorks : a concert for creatures”. A hybrid and fascinating project, between science, cinema, music and contemporary art, which brings together Charlotte Rampling and David Lynch, on a musical study of the abstract hip-hop group Anti-Pop Consortium. More than a simple session, an experience in which the artist’s friends plunged headlong into, only a few days before the launch of the FIAC festivities. http://aconcertforcreatures.com/

Photos: Michael Huard

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