11.04.2024 Allianz MiCo, Milan #art

Opening of Miart, a Fair Without Time or Space

Allianz MiCo, Milan

Let’s give some numbers: 178 participating galleries representing 28 countries, over a thousand works on display, two new sections (including the awaited Portal, curated by Abaseh Mirval), 10 recognitions including awards, acquisition funds, and new commissions. All of this is miart, the international fair of modern and contemporary art organized by Fiera Milano and directed by Nicola Ricciardi, which from April 12th to 14th finds its home at the Allianz MiCo. The main goal of the event, now in its 28th edition, is – as suggested by the chosen theme for this 2024 edition – No time no space. A title inspired by a song by Franco Battiato, musician and explorer “of very distant worlds and buried civilizations”. At the VIP preview, which took place on Thursday, art professionals, collectors, and gallery owners attended. At the inauguration, we met Arturo Galansino, Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Tommaso Sacchi, Marc Spiegler and Giò Marconi, among many others. The upcoming design week has attracted numerous designers and architects among the various stands, fascinated by interdisciplinary short circuits and by overcoming – as Battiato would say – “gravitational currents, space, and light” that will never make them grow old.

Text: Germano D’Acquisto

Photos: Niccolò Campita

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