18.03.2023 Paris #design

The Mobilier National Pays Tribute to Pierre Paulin

Over the course of his prolific career, Pierre Paulin designed exceptional works at the Research and Creation Workshop of Contemporary Furniture of the Mobilier National. It was here, working alongside highly skilled craftsmen, that Paulin created bold and innovative pieces that have made a great contribution to the history of design. Constantly revisiting and updating his practice, the designer has earned his position as a visionary of the discipline. Also highly regarded in France as a pioneer of modern furniture, Paulin received personal and institutional commissions from famous politicians such as François Mitterand, for whom he designed the famous hexagonal armchair bearing the country’s symbol.

It was thus in the spirit of paying tribute to these years of collaborative work with the designer that the Mobilier National has established this partnership with Paulin Paulin Paulin, the family company. The inauguration took place on Tuesday evening and was the occasion to unveil archives of president Mitterrand’s collection as well as new pieces created at the reservoir Perret du Mobilier National for this particular event. Both institutions share the same goal: that of protecting, valuing and divulgating Pierre Paulin’s works as well as the know-how of the Creation Workshop of Contemporary Furniture. During the launch, we crossed paths with Benjamin Paulin, René-Jacques Mayer and Nicolas Godin, among other personalities.

Text: Emma Grossi

Photos: Michaël Huard

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