23.06.2016 4, port de Invalides - Paris VII #lifestyle

Launch of the Take OFF platform: Take Ocean For Future

4, port de Invalides - Paris VII

Patricia Ricard and Alexandre Ricard announced the launch of Take OFF, a platform to support young scientific research for the oceans. From the Seine, of course.

Take OFF is first and foremost an ambition: to support young scientific research for the preservation of the oceans through four distinct fields of action: a call for oceanographic scientific patronage, support for oceanographic research, especially for young researchers from teams spread across universities around the world, a scientific residence for young researchers on Ile des Embiez (the Institute’s headquarters), etc.

Present at this launch evening, the fine flower of ecological commitment, supporters of the first hour including Captain Paul Watson, Françoise Gaill (Director of Research Emeritus at CNRS), Pierre-Yves Cousteau or Jean-Charles de Castelbajac, who came to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Institute.

Join Take OFF, the Ocean needs your voice :
#TakeOFF – @TakeOceanFF

Photos: Chantapitch Wiwatchaikamol

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