14.11.2022 Paris #lifestyle

The Importance Of Terroirs At Le Fooding Awards Ceremony


Having taken us all the way to Saint-Ouen for its past edition, Le Fooding is now heading to the 16th arrondissement. Weird? A bit. But the team sees this strange turnaround as proof of its greater capacity to adapt. The Duplex was happily unleashed to the rhythm of Maxye and the Bambino team’s disco sets. « Une Nuit Sans Faim » (literally, A night without hunger) was dedicated to the Fooding awards ceremony, as well as to the unveiling of the Fooding 2023 guide, which lists, every year, more than 500 must-try restaurants throughout France. This new award list was designed to highlight non-Parisian addresses – of all kinds – by defending diversity, originality and know-how through 15 very different awards. Only four Parisian-based restaurants were awarded this year, the others are located all over France, Regain, in Marseille, Arlot Cheng, in Nantes. But the highest reward of all, La Meilleure Table, was attributed to the Doyenné, in Saint-Vrain, Essonne. This edition has more than ever put forward the terroirs, local cuisine and home produced-food, and it was much appreciated!

Photos : Cédric Canezza

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