25.04.2024 Paris #beauty

La Bonne Brosse Celebrates Beauty and Launches Their New Podcast

On Thursday, April 25th, La Bonne Brosse celebrated the arrival of spring and the release of their new podcast, which is hosted by Judith Sibony and examines the role of hair in our society and intimacy. 

Theatre critic and director Judith Sibony offers her podcast “Décoiffures, ou ce que les cheveux disent de nous” (Tousled hair, or what hair says about us), in which she examines the relationship between us and our hair through touching testimonials. Prejudices, taboos, haircare, use of the wrong products, societal norms: Judith Sibony overcomes barriers to make us think about the essential but sometimes complicated place that hair occupies in society and self-image.

It is essential for La Bonne Brosse to offer a new kind of high-quality hairbrush. The podcast accompanies this approach, offering a relevant reflection on the importance society attaches to our hair and the intimate relationship we all have with it.

Over the course of the evening, we met Judith Sibony, Flore des Robert, Pauline Laurent, Nathalie Azoulai, Erin Doherty, Camille Mervin-Leroy, Lolita Chammah, Aurélie Saada, Florence Willaert…

Photos: Edouard Richard

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