27.01.2016 Le Grand Colbert #fashion

Jean-Paul Gaultier’s 40th anniversary dinner

Le Grand Colbert

40 years and all its teeth, the venerable Jean-Paul Gaultier house is an example of the kind. As a good representative of the Palace generation, the creator obviously had to celebrate this anniversary in the explosion of the senses and all the eccentricity we know. That’s it, at the Grand Colbert, with a dinner that bordered on collective hysteria when Beth Ditto went up to the bar for a little surprise concert. For the rest? Oh, just Allanah Starr coming out of a giant cake, a naked woman completely covered in gold dodling between the guests, Kiddy Smile on record players and the entire Club Sandwich tape to raise the fever even higher before midnight. Who says we get bored at social dinners? Certainly not them, anyway

Photos: Thomas Kelly

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