Jean Paul Gaultier Hoists A Rainbow Flag With Pepo Moreno
Painting bursts of multicolour love is the way Jean Paul Gaultier has chosen to reassert his unwavering commitment to the LGBTQIA+ community this year. To celebrate Pride Month, the Maison has summoned Spanish artist Pepo Moreno and his rainbow brushstrokes to create a fresco in the heart of the Marais, on a wall opposite the famous café La Perle. It features a giant sailor in Jean Paul Gaultier style, topped by a large rainbow and the utterance: “Jean Paul is queer and 4ever here”.
Pepo Moreno’s artistic reflections on queer culture and gender identity blend with Jean Paul Gaultier’s values of freedom, tolerance and acceptance of self and others, and not exclusively during Pride Month. Embracing difference, celebrating diversity and ensuring that love always wins, that’s what really matters. At the fresco inauguration cocktail party, we met Nathy Peluso, Gigi Goode, Sophia Hadjipanteli, Arnaud Vaillant, Sebastien Meyer, Jordan Tupak and Raya Martigny.
Photos: Astrid Staes
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