18.01.2025 Galerie Sultana, Paris #art

“Lèche-Vitrines”, Harry Nuriev’s First Art Installation at Galerie Sultana

With Lèche-Vitrines (window-shopping), Harry Nuriev offers perhaps one of the most enlightening examples of Transformism, a concept he has been developing for years and has become an artistic movement in its own right. Transformation, in his hands, is above all an alchemy of objects. This is not the first time Harry Nuriev has worked with used or expired materials, we have seen him use computer keyboards to create mirror frames, or even transform underwear into rugs. The most ordinary and contemporary objects from our lives are reassigned, being granted not only a new use value but a new aesthetic and beauty.

This is a vitrine just like any other — be that of a jeweller, a pharmacist, or a souvenir shop. It gathers a series of used objects, abandoned by their owners: a perfume bottle with only a few drops left or an old half-empty shampoo bottle. These remnants, sometimes altered by the artist, have been transformed into miniature sculptures exhibited in vitrines at Galerie Sultana, becoming the protagonists of Harry Nuriev’s first art installation in Paris.

At the opening, we met Jean-Pierre Blanc, Guillaume Sultana, and Dan Sablon, to name a few.

Photos: Jean Picon

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