15.06.2017 La Patache, port de la Conférence #lifestyle

For its first anniversary, Take OFF calls for mobilization

The sea rises, the ocean advances. Launched a year ago by the Paul Ricard Oceanographic Institute, the Take OFF (Take Ocean For Future) project is renewing its call for mobilization for its first anniversary. In addition to the scientific sponsorship actions set up and the creation of a global information and exchange platform around ocean protection, Take OFF is now working on a scientific residence on Embiez Island dedicated to young researchers. Its action also reaches the general public, with the organisation in August of “24 Hrs for the Ocean”, a major participatory event in Deauville with a rich programme of exhibitions, screenings and conferences. It will be followed by the Blue Ball, a fundraising dinner for the Institut Océanographique Paul Ricard at Casino Barriere in Deauville. Two major events which benefited from the involvement of personalities such as Dominique Desseigne (CEO of the Barriere Group) or journalist Christophe Ono-dit-Biot, members of the honorary committee who took the floor to present the meeting on 26 August alongside Patricia and Alexandre Ricard, Marion Semblat, Colombe de la Taille and the Sirens. The anniversary conference also gave the floor to Françoise Gaill (CNRS Research Director), Serge Segura (French Ambassador for the Oceans) and Julian Barbière (UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission). In the words of Patricia Ricard, as the first UN World Ocean Conference was held a few weeks earlier, “we will have the Ocean we deserve”. See you in Deauville on August 26 to participate in its protection.


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