17.10.2023 Paris #art

With “Picasso. Drawing to Infinity”, The Centre Pompidou Pays Tribute to the Artist on the 50th Aniversary of his Death

Aptly titled “Picasso. Drawing to Infinity”, the Centre Pompidou’s latest exhibition pays tribute to the prolific career of the Spanish artist. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the death of the precursor of the Cubist movement,  born with the famous “Demoiselles d’Avignon” in 1907. To celebrate this special anniversary, the Centre Pompidou is presenting an unprecedented retrospective devoted to the painter. By bringing together almost a thousand works, ranging from drawings to engravings and notebooks, the exhibition explores the artist’s creative process from a new vantage point, transcending the limits of traditional chronological narrative. Thanks to the exceptional loans from the Musée National Picasso-Paris, this is the largest retrospective ever organized, which makes it a unique opportunity to rediscover the work of the great painter. On the opening night, we ran into Paloma Picasso, Laurent Le Bon, Cécile Debray, Anne Lemonnier and Sophie Calle.

Photos: Ayka Lux

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